5 Advantages of Farm Management Systems
1 – Electronic Record keeping
It is easier to keep your records updated electronically. Updated records mean better control of operating equipment. Monitoring applied fertilizer and pesticide amounts is possible with only one click and helps keeping legal limits or mastering resistance management.
Through record keeping of all tasks it gets easier to issue direct costing, which leads to new optimization opportunities. Additionally, electronic data can easily be transferred to other systems as well as electronic support may be implemented while recording data.
2 – Optimization through Comprehension and Comparison
With your records, new opportunities for analyses are developed. Through calculating certain data (gross margin, operational steps per field, etc.) anonymous comparisons with similar companies may be accomplished, hence, weak spots in your company may be found and eliminated.

3 – Legally Required Reports
Reports for the ÖPUL, Cross Compliance or personal production data, may be generated with most Farm management systems with only one click. This results in significant reduction of workload, due to the fact that the report may be issued without further data implementation. In organic farming precise documentation of quantity flows is mandatory. This data may also be used for inspections.
4 – Inventory Management
Forage- and operational equipment may be managed without regularly being present and measuring. You will be provided with great overview on your stock and sales and purchases can be done on time.
5 –Opportunities in Planning
Both planting and cultivation require careful planning. Therefore farm management systems offer planning feature, which determines fertilizer types and quantities as well as the time of application. Crop protection measurement may also easily be coordinated with weather conditions. Soil preparation may easily be coordinated with a planting routine.
The variety of farm management systems is similar to the diversity of farms. From simple, home developed electronic records to precision farming systems. In order to limit the workload, these apps are required to determine, without being highly sophisticated, what is required by every agricultural business.