Harvest Smarter,
Grow Greener.

Farmdok for corporates. The AgIntelligence solution for producers, processors and distributors of agricultural products. Unleash the power of precision in every field!

The agricultural information system for companies

Prepare yourself for the challenges of tomorrow and utilise the potential of digital technologies. By using AI, big data and modern statistical methods, we turn huge amounts of data into profitable information. We increase the resilience of process chains and planning reliability and harness the potential of digitalisation. In this way, Farmdok supports sustainable food production in the digital age.

GIS - Geoinformation Management

Manage field information intuitively and geographically.

  • Import fields
  • Create fields with the OneClickWonder
  • Split & merge fields
  • Colouring and measuring fields
  • Reference levels: Cadastre of properties, etc.
  • Isolation zones & distance check
  • Create and export reports

Remote sensing & weather data

AI - AgIntelligence: Insights from a bird's eye view

  • Vegetation monitoring with satellite data
  • Cloud detection – See through clouds!
  • Crop detection
  • Yield potential and fertility
  • Historical weather data
  • Weather forecasts

Field management

All information in one place, accessible from anywhere.

  • Field details
  • Crop rotation
  • Variety planning
  • Nutrient management
  • Soil samples
  • Customer management (CRM)

Production documentation

Field activities, product and machine utilisation.

  • Chronological activity records
  • Product and machine utilisation
  • Time recording: working time, travel time, set-up time
  • Automatic recording with GPS
  • Registered plant protection products
  • Commercially available mineral fertilisers
  • Geolocalised field notes incl. photos
  • Import and export ISOXML task data

Compliance & Sustainability

Check and ensure quality standards.

  • Ensuring traceability
  • Verification of production standards
  • Crop protection live check
  • Utilise the legal framework (ÖPUL, GAP)
  • Carbon food printing coming soon…
  • EUDR freedom from deforestation coming soon…

Datasharing & Collaboration

Digital information flow without data disruptions.

  • Permissions for producers on individual fields
  • Release of fields by producers
  • Management of sub-farms in the network
  • Digital contracting: submission of contract information
  • Provision of field data via interfaces (API)
  • Connection to third-party systems (MyJohnDeere, CNH, …)


  • Office and mobile Apps for web, Android and iOS

    An intuitive and easy-to-use interface is Farmdok's top priority for users. In the office and on mobile, this can only be achieved by going the "extra mile". Farmdok does this by having a team of interdisciplinary specialists from the fields of technology and agriculture and by programming every platform - web, Android and iOS - natively as real apps. This makes the difference in the joy of use.
  • Multilingualism & localisation Individual language settings for each user

    Intercultural teams, diversity and multilingualism go hand in hand with successful, modern and international organisations. The software you use every day must speak your language and reflect your region. Farmdok comes multilingual and is customised to the respective region - in terms of data and information, language and punctuation. Another barrier to efficient collaboration has been removed.
  • Smart Big data and AI supported

    Modern technologies and methods such as neural networks, machine learning and big data statistics make it possible to recognise correlations from individual pieces of data, generate information and draw the right conclusions. What seemed impossible back then is now a natural part of our work. We use AI to automate records, supplement missing data with clouds and create forecasts for a successful future. Use the potential of modern digitalisation!

Industrial applications

Reduced effort, improved planning reliability Seed propagation

Create and manage propagation areas easily and geolocalised on the basis of land registers or field use (InVeKoS). Use Farmdok for successful variety planning. All information is also available on smartphones and tablets. Optimum site selection of the seed variety is supported by site assessment with fertility indicators (based on remote sensing) and weather data. Essential framework conditions are ensured by marking isolation zones and checking minimum distances. A successful harvest this year is the best basis for a successful harvest next year!

75% increase in efficiency through minimised idle times Drohnenlogistik

Drones enable detailed and high-quality analyses of agricultural fields. They open up new possibilities for targeted pest control, optimised resource utilisation and increased efficiency. Minimise downtime, empty runs and tedious coordination with clients with Farmdok. Farmdok offers geolocalised field recording, optimisation of order planning & logistics, e.g. by indicating maturity using remote sensing methods, as well as the export of field boundaries for route planning. Results can be managed, visualised and shared with third parties in Farmdok. In this way, Farmdok supports the use of modern technologies in practice.

Information basis for effective consulting Kulturberatung

In agricultural consulting and also in contract production, experts are consulted in order to achieve an optimal harvest result in terms of quantity and quality. The description of the problem and the experience of the farmer in combination with the right information base consisting of crop rotation, soil information, management measures, remote sensing insights and the local climate allows an initial conclusion and advice to be drawn from a distance. Farmdok enables the exchange of extensive agricultural data between farmer and advisor. Important contextual information on vegetation and weather is supplemented by satellite data and weather models. In this way, Farmdok supports qualified & effective crop advice.

Improved traceability & sustainability Quality and risk management

The processing of agricultural raw materials in the food and luxury food sector requires adherence to quality standards and compliance requirements. Farmdok serves as a platform for consolidating agricultural data and checking regulations, such as for crop protection products. All approved crop protection products and commercially available fertilisers are available, while remote sensing and drone evaluations support risk management. In this way, Farmdok helps to meet quality targets and compliance requirements.

Systematic and well prepared Audits & certification

Audits and certifications play an important role in agriculture and food production to set and maintain standards for sustainable, safe and efficient practices. They create trust among consumers and trading partners. Farmdok is the agricultural information software for the implementation of certified management systems. Use Farmdok to support the processes and methods in your company and cover the information requirements of audits with reports and analyses from Farmdok. In this way, Farmdok helps you to implement integrated management approaches in your company in a sustainable way.

Digitalisation in your company Your challenges?

The further development of our own company and changes in the environment and framework conditions ensure a continuous need for innovation. The digitalisation of business processes and the use of new technologies hold enormous potential for mastering the challenges that lie ahead. Farmdok is an innovative partner for digitalisation in agriculture and food production. We leverage the potential of digitalisation by using modern software as well as AI and big data technologies. In this way, Farmdok helps to solve the major challenges of the digital age.

Industry specialists trust in FARMDOK!

Let's talk about your needs!

FARMDOK specialises in the digitalisation and optimisation of systems and processes in the agricultural sector. Make an appointment now to discuss solutions for your individual challenges.
Contact our experts!