New! Precision Spraying – Prescription maps for plant protection
Precision Spraying from Farmdok is the ideal digital tool for securing yields and optimising costs.
Field management
Field Record
Precision Farming
Field list with map, field record, crop rotation and soil samples
Activity recording (also automatic), task planning
Field notes, optionally with geolocated photos
Comprehensive analysis and reports, export as XLSX, PDF
Nutrient requirements, fertilizer planning for the whole farm & for each field
All products logged with register number and live check
Stock movements with stock levels and comprehensive reports
Calculate contribution margin at farm, crop and field level
Create customers or sub-farms and manage associated fields
Monitor plant population with satellite data (NDVI, NDWI, LAI, etc.)
for sowing and fertilization based on satellite data
CNH, MyJohnDeere, NutriGuide, etc.